In GeoPoll Survey Reports, Media Audience Measurement

Ghana has one of the most diverse and applauded media landscapes in Africa; their press has been free since 1992, when a new democratic constitution was introduced, and the country scores high on press freedom from groups such as Reporters without Borders and Freedom House. In 2014 Ghana ranked #27 on Reporters Without Borders’ World Press Freedom Index, ahead of the United States and United Kingdom, and behind only two other African nations, Namibia and Cape Verde.  

In April we published Ghana TV ratings finding that TV3 and UTV, the country’s newest TV station, were competing for viewers. Our November data  from GeoPoll’s Audience Measurement Service shows that UTV outperformed TV3 over the past month: UTV had an average of 696,000 viewers per half hour, and TV3 had 545,000 viewers per half hour. The state-run station, GTV, which until 1992 was the only station available, is a distant third in terms of audience size, with 356,000 viewers per half hour. Other stations including Cine Afrik, Adom TV, and JoyTV are also far behind the ratings from UTV and TV3. 

Ghana_Dec_graphic_3UTV and TV3 both have consistent peaks in viewership, which are apparent both on weekdays and weekends. TV3’s daily peak is from 7:00 – 8:00pm, with an average of 695,000 viewers per night tuning in to their news program, News360. Unsurprisingly, the ratings for News360 are slightly higher for Monday-Friday than Saturday-Sunday, with 727,000 viewers on average tuning in to TV3 in the 7:30 – 8:00pm time slot on weekdays. 

UTV also has a peak in the evenings every day, from 8:00 – 9:00pm. On the weekdays this peak in viewership gets as high as 988,000 viewers in the 8:30 – 9:00pm time slot. On weekends viewership is lower, with only 761,000 viewers in the 8:30 – 9:00 pm time slot on average. UTV also has a peak on weekdays at 2:30pm, with an average of 760,000 tuning in. Telenovas are typically aired during this time, which account for the peak in afternoon viewership. 

Below is the full list of the top national stations and their average number of viewers per half hour.Ghana_dec_top_stations3

Top stations in Ghana, by average number of viewers per half-hour in November. 

  1. UTV: 696,000
  2. TV3: 545,000
  3. GTV: 356,000
  4. Adom TV: 320,000
  5. Cine Afrik: 292,000
  6. Joy TV: 246,000
  7. Visat One: 242,000
  8. MetroTV: 200,000

Interested in more data like this? GeoPoll’s Audience Measurement Service produces daily data on TV and Radio ratings in Ghana, including both national and regional stations. Click below to contact us for more information. 


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