In Market Research

GeoPoll is pleased to announce the opening of our new office in Johannesburg, South Africa. GeoPoll has had a presence in South Africa since 2014, working with clients including Unilever, Colgate, PHD Media, Mckinsey and OMD to deploy our multi-modal research solutions in Southern Africa. The opening of GeoPoll’s Johannesburg office signals continued growth in the region: GeoPoll has several employees already based in South Africa and is in the process of hiring research support staff, media analysts and account executives. Over the coming years GeoPoll expects the South Africa office to grow further with a mix of business development, client services, and operations staff.

This new office will enable us to further expand our public affairs portfolio while better serving our clients and partners including Ipsos, Kantar, and GFK. The South-Africa based team will continue to support our work in other countries where GeoPoll operates throughout the region such as Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Market Research in South Africa

GeoPoll’s wide-ranging capabilities and panel of respondents throughout Southern Africa can be used by brands, media houses, and international development organizations looking to collect quality data from specific populations. GeoPoll conducts research via multiple modes, including SMS, voice calls (both Computer Automated Telephone Interviewing and Interactive Voice Response), face-to-face via Computer Automated Personal Interviewing, and online through the GeoPoll application and mobile web. Past projects in Southern Africa have included some of GeoPoll’s most innovative research solutions including online market research communities, trigger polls and application concept testing.

We look forward to continuing to work in South Africa – to meet with GeoPoll’s Johannesburg team to learn more about our research capabilities and respondent panel please contact us here.

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