Predicted World Cup Winners Change Over Time

Last week we shared the World Cup predictions from 10 African nations: Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda, and [...]

Ghana vs. Germany Game Gets High Viewership

The Group Round of the World Cup ends this Thursday June 26th, and tensions are high as teams vie for places in the upcoming Round of 16. As we revealed earlier, the first game Ghana played, [...]

World Cup Predictions from Across Africa

We’ve already shared some of our findings on the popularity of the World Cup’s opening game, and the first 5 days of play. Today we are turning away from TV viewership numbers, and [...]

Nigeria vs. Iran World Cup Game Draws 17.5 Million Nigerian Viewers

Today we released initial findings on TV ratings, audience size and demographics following the first games of the 2014 FIFA World Cup. The data, gathered via mobile surveys in Ghana, Kenya, [...]

World Cup: Who is watching in Africa

Yesterday the World Cup, the biggest sporting event in the world, played its opening game in Brazil. For the next few weeks as games are played, GeoPoll will be reporting on how many people were [...]

Increasing Access to Loans in Nigeria: A USAID/GeoPoll Case Study

Entrepreneurs across the globe are constantly coming up with new ideas, businesses, and inventions that can help both them and their communities. In emerging markets new businesses are [...]

Top TV Channels in Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania

Last month we published the top ten channels in Ghana, compiled from the data included in our new Audience Measurement Service. In May, we collected ratings from more countries, and as our [...]

Announcing Overnight TV Ratings from GeoPoll

At GeoPoll we work to bring understanding to the world, through both on-demand surveys that provide clients with custom research, and the GeoPoll Knowledge Center, a collection of subscription [...]

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