GeoPoll uses SMS to Map Adoption of ISFM Practices in Rwanda

In partnership with the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), GeoPoll conducted two rounds of SMS-based surveys to determine the drivers of integrated soil fertility management [...]

African Millennials on Internet Access, Neutrality & Digital Security

Internet usage continues to grow, in large part due to increased smartphone penetration in much of Sub-Saharan Africa. GSMA predicts that, in 2020, there will be more than 700 million smartphone [...]

African Youth Sentiments on Free Speech Online & Internet Regulation

Thirty-five percent of Africa’s population is between the ages of 15 and 35 years[1]. They are growing up in a more connected world—with mobile phones, access to the internet, and engaged in [...]

GeoPoll Study Informs Creation of JiActivate Youth Social Movement in Kenya

In March 2017, GeoPoll partnered with a coalition of leading organisations, including The Red Cross Society, Well Told Story (Shujaaz) and Organisation for African Youth to carry out two surveys [...]

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