Transitioning to Remote Call Centers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

A tenant of GeoPoll’s research solutions is the ability to collect data remotely; in 2012 we conducted one of the first-ever remote surveys in the Democratic Republic of Congo via 2-way SMS. We [...]

Coronavirus’ Impact on Media Consumption in Uganda

In a state address on 18th March 2020, President Yoweri Museveni presented guidelines for how Uganda would manage the spread of coronavirus. Local and international travel were suspended, [...]

FMCG Purchases: Consumer Behavior in Kenya

In the past ten years, Africa as a continent has garnered attention from global economists and business analysts. Many have even dubbed Africa as the final frontier for expanding global [...]

How people are protecting themselves against coronavirus in Africa

GeoPoll is running a series of studies about the coronavirus outbreak and its impact on the day to day livelihood. Most countries have now reported cases of COVID-19 and most people are aware of [...]

Report: The Impact of COVID-19 Across Africa

The spread of COVID-19 poses a challenge for emerging markets such as those in Africa and Latin America. While governments around the world are suffering from a shortage of ventilators, hospital [...]

Advertising Effectiveness Evaluation: The Roles of Audience Measurement and Attribution Research

Measuring the effectiveness of traditional advertising channels—like television and radio—is a unique challenge because there is no inherent way to attribute sales to specific ad campaigns. Due [...]

How to Apply Lessons Learned from the Ebola Response to COVID-19

COVID-19, which began spreading in China in late 2019 and is now impacting nearly every country around the globe, is unique in its scale and rapid spread: The world has not seen such a lethal [...]

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