What is Random Digit Dialing?

Sample selection is an important part of any research project, and for those conducting research through telephone interviews, random digit dialing is a useful sampling technique. Random digit [...]

The Precarious Position of Microfinance During COVID-19

Microfinance is a sector of financial services that focuses on individuals that are otherwise unable to access credit through the banking system in their area by providing them with loans in [...]

Mobile Technologies Aiding in the Fight Against COVID-19 in Emerging Markets

On this blog, we frequently discuss the many ways that access to mobile technology has transformed lives for people living in emerging markets. From mobile money to apps specifically for farmers, [...]

Weighting Survey Data: Methods and Advantages

In two of our previous blogs, we discussed the importance of the sample frame and sampling techniques for any research project. Understanding the sampling frame, potential sample errors, and the [...]

COVID-19 Research in Latin America and the Caribbean

One unique aspect of COVID-19 is the way in which it spreads through asymptomatic carriers, and the relatively lengthy time it can take for the virus to display itself. For health researchers and [...]

How to contact GeoPoll User support

What do you do if you have a question or experience an issue that would like to report to GeoPoll? In this article, we outline the open channels and the best ways to send in different types of [...]

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