In Media Audience Measurement

liberia media market day In November, GeoPoll was pleased to participate in the first official Media Market Day in Monrovia, Liberia, hosted by Internews and funded by USAID. The purpose of the Media Market Day was to provide independent media outlets in Liberia with data that GeoPoll has collected as part of an ongoing Internews initiative. Data on radio and TV consumption in Liberia was presented to multiple radio and television outlets so that they could better understand their audiences and make more informed decisions about their advertising and programming. Attendees included representatives from GeoPoll, USAID, the Liberian Ministry of Information, and the Minister of Industry and Commerce for Liberia.

GeoPoll has worked with Internews to collect audience measurement data since 2016, and has previously shared data with media outlets, but this was the first year that the data was presented in a public forum so that media outlets could ask questions about the data and use the data publicly. Data is collected through SMS surveys using the mobile-based methodology that GeoPoll developed as part of its audience measurement product, which was launched in 2014 and has been used to gather audience data in 15 countries throughout Africa, the Middle East, and the Caribbean.

liberia media data

At the Media Market Day, GeoPoll presented the findings, which included data around top watched TV stations nationally, the highest ratings throughout the day, and ratings by gender and age. Media business expert Steve Ahern of AMT Australia explained how stations could use this data to improve program targeting and increase their advertising revenue. The reaction to this data was very positive, as media outlets felt they could use it to better understand their audience and the factors that contribute to ratings, which will ultimately improve their businesses. Interest in similar data for print outlets was also expressed by attendees.  Highlights of the data include the below insights. To learn more about this project or request a copy of the full report presented at the Media Market Day, please contact GeoPoll here.

Television Ratings in Liberia

  • The top most watched stations include: LNTV, Sky TV, and Power TV.
  • LNTV is the leading TV station nationally with an average audience share of 49% followed by Sky TV with 18% share. Power TV and KMTV are ranked 3rd and 4th positions respectively, with Light and CU TV closing out the top 6.
  • On weekdays, LNTV achieves its highest ratings around 8:30-9:00 am, and again in the evening between 7:30pm-9:30pm.
  • SkyTV and LightTV had higher audience share among females than males, while LNTV dominates among males, with a 55% male audience share. In terms of affinity, males are most loyal to LNTV and KMTV while amongst females LightTV has the highest affinity.
  • Over time, audience share has increased dramatically for LNTV. Sky TV and Power TV have also seen an increase in audience share since March 2017.

Radio Ratings in Liberia:

  • National Radio listenership is lead by ELBC with an average share of 23%, followed by Truth, ECOWAS, and Radio Gbarnga.
  • ELBC has a strong lead in listenership throughout the day with highest ratings between 6-8am on weekdays.
  • Both Truth and ECOWAS radio have higher ratings in the evening, between 6-10pm.
  • The female audience is more split than the male audience, with 45% of females listening to an unlisted “other” station and 17% listening to ELBC on average, while “other” stations have a share of 33% amongst males and ELBC has a 27% male audience share.
  • ELBC has increased its share of listenership over time, going from 17% share in March 2017 to 23% in September 2018.

Top radio stations in Liberia by province:

  • Nimba: HOTT FM
  • Sinoe: Smile
  • Bomi: Radio Bomi
  • Bong: ELBC
  • Grand Bassa: Radio Gbehzon
  • Grand Cape Mount: Radio Cape Mount
  • Grand Gedeh: ELBC
  • Lofa: ELBC
  • Margibi: ELBC
  • Maryland: ELBC
  • Montserrado: ELBC

Purchase Behavior in Liberia:

  • 38% have made a purchase as a result of watching TV, and of those 59% made the purchase on the same day they watched TV.
  • 44% have made a purchase as a result of listening to the radio, with 69% of those making the purchase on the same day.
  • 35% have made a purchase based on something they saw on the internet, with 67% making the purchase on the same day.

For more information on GeoPoll Audience Measurement, visit this page.

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