Vaccine Hesitancy and COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance in sub-Saharan Africa

As COVID-19 vaccines begin to be distributed, attention is now turning to vaccine production and distribution. With a limited supply available, countries are acquiring vaccine doses for their [...]

Transitioning to Remote Call Centers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America

A tenant of GeoPoll’s research solutions is the ability to collect data remotely; in 2012 we conducted one of the first-ever remote surveys in the Democratic Republic of Congo via 2-way SMS. We [...]

Data Collection in the Sahel

Accurate and timely data collection is an essential part of mitigating crises in emerging markets with vulnerable populations. The United Nations characterizes the Sahel, which spans ten [...]

GeoPoll Launches Research Services in Somalia

GeoPoll is pleased to announce the launch of our research services in Somalia with the release of our first report on the country. In late March 2019, GeoPoll conducted remote surveys in Somalia [...]

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