Advertising Effectiveness Evaluation: The Roles of Audience Measurement and Attribution Research

Measuring the effectiveness of traditional advertising channels—like television and radio—is a unique challenge because there is no inherent way to attribute sales to specific ad campaigns. Due [...]

Collecting Consumer Insights through Surveys

Data should be the driving force behind your marketing efforts, and collecting customer insights will help you better understand your customers in order to improve product advertising and [...]

What does it take to dominate the oral health care market in Kenya?

Colgate has, for a long time, defined the toothpaste category in Kenya. The Colgate- Palmolive Company owned brand is a dominant player in the Kenyan oral care- toothpaste market and currently [...]

Fake News in Kenya’s 2017 General Election Widespread – Survey Report

In Kenya, social media is fundamentally reshaping how citizens communicate and how brands and campaigners get their message across. With some four million Kenyans expected to be voting for the [...]

Mobile Phones and Financial Inclusion in Three African Markets

In the US we have recently begun to see a new slew of mobile-based applications pop up, those that claim to help control spending, deposit checks virtually, even replace traditional bank [...]

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