In Community Blog & Stories

community polls

Let’s say you are looking for a new phone, and are stuck between A and B, wondering which to buy – which happens a lot. Or you are arguing with a friend on fun things like who between Messi and Christiano is the real GOAT. Or, more seriously, you are doing your school/work research project and wondering who to ask questions. Did you know you can access the GeoPoll capabilities and community for FREE to answer any questions you have?

That’s right, GeoPoll Community Polls is a platform that allows any GeoPoll App user to create polls on any topic. The poll is then broadcasted to other community members and you get real-time reports as the ever-willing members respond to your question! It’s also a good place to hang out and complete the surveys – it’s fun, free, helps other members of the community and it’s a place to learn!

Accessing Community Polls

Open the GeoPoll App – the Community Polls icon is right on the home screen if you are a registered member.

There are 3 sections:

  1. Open polls – This is where you will find the live community polls posted by the community. You can sort by New (latest polls) or by Popularity (the polls that are generating a lot of responses).
  2. My Polls – All the polls you have created are here. If you click on the polls here, you will see the real-time results, analyzed for you.
  3. Past Polls – Any polls you have ever taken part in (responded to) are here. Again, you will see the final and real-time results, neatly presented in graphs. You will also see comments.

How to create a GeoPoll Community Poll

Simply click Create Poll. It’s just 3 simple steps:

  1. Enter the question
  2. Enter the answers/options/responses
  3. Leave your email address (to receive the alert when your survey is complete).

Just that!

Note that your community polls will only be seen in your country… and all community polls you see are actually from your country. Why? Because we all want the Community to be relevant, things you can relate to, in a language you understand, and topics that you can learn from. In the laws of research, this makes your poll a pretty good one, too.

You need to check out GeoPoll Community Polls – that’s where the action is!

Create a survey on the GeoPoll App now and see for yourself!

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