In Media Audience Measurement

DC is full of great opportunities to meet like-minded professionals.  The Data Community DC (DC2), in particular, hosts a variety of enlightening meetups for data professionals.  A couple of weeks ago, I was invited to give an eight-minute lightning talk organized by Data Science DC.  Myself and six other data scientists presented various tools, techniques, and methods to an audience at the George Washington University. 


I spoke about recent innovations at GeoPoll, and introduced GeoPoll’s TV Measurement Service, currently calculating TV ratings in Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and Nigeria. Since the crowd was interested in the science behind our surveys, I discussed how we build panels of people who answer questions about their TV watching habits through SMS. We have learned a lot while fine-tuning the methodology behind our Audience Measurement Service, and I shared some of the details with the Data Science DC audience. I went over our audience size calculation, which we use to calculate TV ratings and share, and how our panel system works to demonstrate viewership accurately for 5 African nations. I also discussed how audience measurements are calculated and how the GeoPoll TV Measurement Service can estimate the number of people watching specific World Cup games. 

Overall it was a great meetup, and I was happy to discuss our methodologies and hear from other data scientists doing similar work with data all around DC. For a more complete summary of the event, you can read a recap here. You can also see all slides here (mine start at slide 50), or listen to a full recording of the event

Max Richman is the Chief Data Scientist at GeoPoll, where he leads reseearch and development of the GeoPoll platform and oversees the methodological design of global panel surveys. 

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