At the Global Youth Economic Opportunities Summit in Washington, DC last month, GeoPoll had the opportunity to see the power of youth voices in action. Hearing 19 year old Paola Veroy discuss her [...]
Young people in rural sub-Saharan Africa are rapidly moving to urban centers—hoping to start their lives anew. Studies conducted by GeoPoll show that SSA’s rural population decreased while urban [...]
African Millennials who were born from the early 1980s until around the turn of the new millennium are perceived as having changed the world’s understanding of Africa, bringing it from a ‘dark [...]
Mention the word millennials in a gathering and you may hear the words ‘entitled’,’ lazy’, and ‘narcissistic,’ among other adjectives. The millennial generation typically thought of as those born [...]
Internet usage continues to grow, in large part due to increased smartphone penetration in much of Sub-Saharan Africa. GSMA predicts that, in 2020, there will be more than 700 million smartphone [...]
Thirty-five percent of Africa’s population is between the ages of 15 and 35 years[1]. They are growing up in a more connected world—with mobile phones, access to the internet, and engaged in [...]
At 1.5 billion, today’s global youth (aged 15 to 34 years old) is the largest in history. They are driving changes in economic opportunities, development, and, increasingly, political systems. [...]
Millennials in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are using their mobile phones to bet on football and are spending less than $50USD per month. Kenya has the highest number of betting youth , this is [...]
Increased dependency on technology and a mobile-first approach is being driven by African Millennials, this is according to a recent GeoPoll rapid survey carried out among youth in five [...]
Millennials in East Africa are turning to Agriculture as a side business, a majority have attempted to turn their side hustle into their main focus borrowing starting capital from banks and [...]
Youth consumers in Sub-Sahara Africa (SSA) are very image conscious and are spending over 50% of their earnings on personal care items, this is according to a recent GeoPoll rapid survey carried [...]