How to change your GeoPoll Phone Number and Password

In this guide, we take you through the easy steps of updating your phone number and changing your password on the GeoPoll App. Changing your GeoPoll Phone number The phone number is integral to [...]

How to contact GeoPoll User support

What do you do if you have a question or experience an issue that would like to report to GeoPoll? In this article, we outline the open channels and the best ways to send in different types of [...]

Valentine’s Day: Who’s Celebrating, Gifts, Dates & More

Valentine’s Day – the day of love is here! Traditionally, Valentine’s Day revolves around igniting the romance in relationships. In the run-up to this year’s [...]

Money: How the Youth in Africa Earn, Spend, Save and Invest

Africa is known as a young continent for a reason. It is estimated that 75% of Africa’s population is under the age of 35, which means that many of the continent’s sectors depend on the welfare [...]

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