Scott Lansell on Data Collection for International Development

Scott Lansell is GeoPoll’s Vice President for International Development & Relief, and manages GeoPoll’s work in the international development and humanitarian sectors. Below is an abbreviated [...]

GeoPoll Launches Research Services in Somalia

GeoPoll is pleased to announce the launch of our research services in Somalia with the release of our first report on the country. In late March 2019, GeoPoll conducted remote surveys in Somalia [...]

Data Report on Farming in Kenya and Mobile Phone Usage

Following the launch of our farmer panel, a panel of over 18,000 farmers in Kenya available to take GeoPoll surveys through their mobile devices, GeoPoll is releasing its first report on farming [...]

Best Practices in SMS Messaging for Crisis Management

January of 2010 a massive earthquake devastated the lives of people in the Caribbean. The earthquake’s center was just outside the Hattian capitol, Port Au Prince. With an initial shock value of [...]

Food Insecurity in South Sudan, A GeoPoll Study

South Sudan is the newest widely recognized country in the world, and is also one of the world’s poorest countries, with over 80% of the population living on under $1 a day. According to the [...]

Examining the Rural to Urban Exodus in Sub-Saharan Africa

Young people in rural sub-Saharan Africa are rapidly moving to urban centers—hoping to start their lives anew. Studies conducted by GeoPoll show that SSA’s rural population decreased while urban [...]

GeoPoll and WFP Partner to Adapt Key Nutrition Indicator to Mobile

 In Malawi, GeoPoll recently partnered with the World Food Programme’s mobile Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping (mVAM) team to conduct a series of SMS surveys on women’s diet quality using the [...]

Harnessing Mobile Technology to Support Liberia’s Domestic Revenue Mobilization

In March 2017, GeoPoll conducted a text messaging campaign to 37,000 should-be Liberian taxpayers in advance of the upcoming tax deadline. The campaign provided information with the payment [...]

Tips for Integrating Mobile Data Collection into International Development

When I was at the MERL Tech (Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning) conference recently, I heard something that resonated with me and my work at GeoPoll: using mobile technology – [...]

GeoPoll Partners with Control Union to Connect with Farmers in Africa

GeoPoll, the world’s largest real-time mobile survey platform, is announcing a strategic partnership with Control Union, global leader in agricultural certifications, food safety, and [...]

The importance of good data to drive faster food security action

Hunger is an issue that affects every country in the world; globally, one in eight people do not receive the daily nutrition they need, and often women and children suffer the most.  [...]

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