Drivers of FMCG Purchase Decisions in Kenya Before and During COVID-19

If you are a working business professional these days, you likely haven’t been able to surf the web without seeing at least one ad or article mentioning something like, “learn how to adapt to a [...]

Influencer Marketing in Kenya and Nigeria

The rise of the internet age has revolutionized many spheres of business, including how marketing is done. While traditional marketing channels are still important to many businesses, it is [...]

Report: Economic Impact of COVID-19 Across sub-Saharan Africa

In the months since the COVID-19 outbreak started, it has already wreaked havoc on global economies; It is estimated that almost half the world’s population is at risk of job loss due to [...]

Mobile Phones and Financial Inclusion in Three African Markets

In the US we have recently begun to see a new slew of mobile-based applications pop up, those that claim to help control spending, deposit checks virtually, even replace traditional bank [...]

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