Traditional vs Online Focus Groups

Focus groups have long been considered the gold standard for qualitative market research. Since the 1940s researchers have utilized focus groups to capture the experiences, perceptions, [...]

Qualitative Research in Africa: Situational Applications for Remote Studies

Mobile phones have revolutionized how researchers can connect with people by enabling information to be gathered remotely. While mobile phones are often utilized to facilitate quantitative [...]

Collecting Qualitative Data Through Mobile Phones

Qualitative data in Market Research During every research project there comes a key moment – the decision around what type of data will best answer the posed research question. While quantitative [...]

GeoPoll wins Best Overall Paper at AMRA Africa Forum 2019

We are proud to announce that GeoPoll won the coveted “Best Overall Paper” award at the African Market Research Forum in Lagos, Nigeria last week. The AMRA Africa Forum is a high-profile event [...]

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