Best Practices in SMS Messaging for Crisis Management

January of 2010 a massive earthquake devastated the lives of people in the Caribbean. The earthquake’s center was just outside the Hattian capitol, Port Au Prince. With an initial shock value of [...]

40 Percent of Jordanians Do Not Have Enough Water to Meet Their Daily Needs

In June 2017, GeoPoll conducted an SMS-based straw poll to more than 240 respondents in Jordan to understand accessibility to clean water, impact of accessibility on household habits, and water [...]

Food Security: Remote Data Collection Aids The WFP’s Ebola Efforts


Working with the United Nations to Give the Globe a Voice

Last week, GeoPoll was recognized as an integral part of the groundbreaking United Nations MyWorld 2015 survey. The survey gathered opinions from 1 million people across the globe on the issues [...]

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