GeoPoll Resources: Coronavirus
GeoPoll’s COVID-19 Response
As the world deals with the continued impact of coronavirus, GeoPoll recognizes that we have an ability to help the global response through our remote data collection capabilities. As the virus continues we will be releasing free reports and resources on coronavirus on this page, and you can sign up here to get notified of new reports.
Coronavirus Data Reports
Awareness and Perceptions in South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria
GeoPoll conducted an SMS survey in South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria on knowledge and perceptions of coronavirus as the first cases were reported in sub-Saharan Africa.
The Impact of COVID-19 Across 12 Nations
Data on how the coronavirus outbreak is impacting food security, consumer behavior, media consumption, and more across 12 nations in sub-Saharan Africa. This report and interactive dashboard demonstrate that levels of fear and perception of risk surrounding coronavirus is high, as are concerns around food security and economies.
Second Round of Data Collection Shows Increased Testing, Food Shopping Changes
The second round of GeoPoll’s study on the impact of coronavirus in sub-Saharan Africa surveyed 10 of the initial 12 countries and found increased levels of testing, some changes in concern level and government trust, and changes in shopping behavior over time.
The Economic Impact of COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa
GeoPoll’s in-depth report examines the financial impact of COVID-19 in Côte D’Ivoire, Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique, and South Africa, finding dramatic changes in employment, income, and ability to pay expenses since the start of the pandemic. Data is broken down by informal vs formal workers, income level, job type, and more.
Best Practices for Crisis Response
GeoPoll is experienced with conducting research and disseminating information in crisis situations. Our mobile-based methodology and database of respondents have been utilized in conflict zones, following natural disasters, and during ongoing health crises including the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. Below are some of GeoPoll’s experineces and best practices for conducting research during crises.
Remote Data Collection and One-Way Messaging Solutions
GeoPoll’s mobile-based research platform and one-way messaging solutions can be used to gather data remotely or administer mass communications. Modes that can be administered remotely include:
SMS (text message)
GeoPoll has relationships with mobile network operators in over 60 countries which gives us the ability to send 2-way surveys that are free to users and provide incentives upon completion. We can also send mass one-way SMS messages to our database of over 250 million mobile users.
Voice calls (CATI)
GeoPoll has call centers operating remotely in multiple countries in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, and Latin America, and can quickly launch in new countries on demand. Our proprietary CATI application is built for use in emerging markets, with offline functionality and multi-lingual support.
Mobile Web and Application
GeoPoll’s mobile web and mobile application solutions enable us to send surveys and communications to mobile users with internet access and/or smartphones. These modes support picture and video content, and more complex question types including matrices.